
Showing posts from April, 2021

The ultimate look at how long to hold onto stocks

Fundamentals 07:   This post looks at how long to hold onto stocks from various perspectives. Factors considered include capital gains, income tax, dividends, investment styles, winners, and losers. It explores whether there is a minimum holding period and what is considered a long time. “You need to know very well when to move away, or give up the loss, and not allow the anxiety to trick you into trying again.” Warren Buffett

Better to invest or pay off mortgage? - the evidence.

Case Notes 09: If you have extra money, is it better to invest in the stock market or to reduce the housing loan? This is a very common question that many seemed to answer in a theoretical manner. This article looked at the Malaysian historical evidence to provide a different perspective.

Is the KLCI running ahead of the rest of Bursa Malaysia?

Case Notes 08: The KLCI has recovered to the 2016 levels. Is the recovery reflective of the prospects and it is broad-based? This article explores these issues.

Which one is the outstanding Parkson? (Part 3 of 3)

Value Investing Case Study 12-3: There are 3 listed companies within the PHB Group.  In Part 1 and 2, I have shown that the PHB Group is not a value trap.  In Part 3, I will address the question of which one to invest in if you were limited to investing in only one of them. I will also explore whether you should invest directly in the subsidiaries but with a different % shareholding than those held by PHB. 

Is Parkson Holdings a buying opportunity? (Part 2 of 3)

Value Investing Case Study 12-2: In Part 1, the company analysis indicated that PHB Group is not a value trap. I will dig deeper in Part 2 to provide a more definitive answer to the question of whether PHB is a value trap or buying opportunity.  In Part 3, I will address the question that if you were limited to investing in only one of the 3 listed companies within the PHB Group, which would you select? 

Is Parkson Holdings a value trap (Part 1 of 3)

Value Investing Case Study 12-1:  Parkson Holdings has 2 listed subsidiaries so that overall, we are looking at 3 listed stocks in 3 different countries.  Parts 1 and 2 will cover the analysis and valuation of the holding company.  In Part 3, I will address the question that if you were limited to investing in only one of the 3 listed companies, which would you select.