
Showing posts from May, 2021

Expanding your company analysis toolbox with relative fundamental analysis.

Fundamentals 11:  This is a quantitative technique for comparing fundamentals. To illustrate how to use it, I have compared the performance of Tempur-Sealy with those of its peers. 

The ultimate look at how to invest in your 20s

Fundamentals 10:  This is a beginners’ guide to investing in yours 20s. It covers how to invest money, the best way to invest and why to start to invest when in your 20s. This is general advice applicable irrespective of where you live.  "In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable."  Robert Arnott

Is Tempur Sealy a growth trap? (Part 2 of 2)

Value Investing Case Study 13-2: This post covers the risk analysis and valuation of Tempur-Sealy, a US-listed group in the bedding sector.

Is Kumpulan Fima a value trap? (Part 1 of 2)

Value Investing Case Study 14-1: The first part in the fundamental analysis of Kumpulan Fima. 

Is Steel Dynamics a growth trap?

Value Investing Case Study 08-3: This is an updated analysis of Steel Dynamics incorporating the 2020 results. However, I have published it as a guest post in Value Investing Journey . Contents Background Is Steel Dynamics a growth trap? Value Investing Journey CSC Steel This blog is reader-supported. When you buy through links in the post, the blog will earn a small commission. The payment comes from the retailer and not from you.  Learn more .

Is Tempur-Sealy a growth trap? (Part 1 of 2)

Value Investing Case Study 13-1: I first covered Tempur-Sealy in my Seeking Alpha article “ Tempur-Sealy: Time To Exit ” in Feb 2021. The fundamental analysis then was based on the annual financials from 2010 till 2019. The company has since released its 2020 results which have been incorporated in this article.  

The ultimate look at how to invest in penny stocks

Fundamentals 09:  The article looks at various issues when investing in penny stocks - whether it is bad, illegal. It explores what differentiates penny stocks from others and how you can benefit from these. "Bottoms in the investment world don't end with four-year lows; they end with 10- or 15-year lows."  Jim Rogers

Is Eksons still a value trap? (May 2021)

Value Investing Case Study 01-3: An updated fundamental analysis of Eksons based on the financial results till FYE Mac 2020.